Hi! I’m Alexandra.
I like things that are bigger or smaller than they should be: novelty architecture, miniature worlds, and anything made from fiberglass or neon. I dream of visiting every state in the U.S. and will always stop for a Muffler Man. I prefer to drive because I get car sick and also so I can stop at every bathroom, thrift store, garage sale, flea market, diner, or silly photo op along the way.
I’m a designer, writer, editor, photographer, and bookworm. My aesthetic is one part Pee Wee Herman, one part Grey Gardens, 97% grandma crafts, equal parts grandpa taxidermy and cardigans, and half a crumbling cemetery, with a hearty sprinkling of dusty roadside attractions. I’m a little bit strange and unusual, irreverent and (mostly) joyful.
I was born in Ohio and I’ve lived in Washington, D.C. since 2020; for 7 years in between, I lived in New York City. I’ve been to Italy, Egypt, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, and Canada, but I love the U.S.—more than it probably deserves, not for a lot of the reasons I was taught to, and sometimes for reasons others can’t understand.