Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

Painting by Lindsey Frances

Painting by Lindsey Frances

Things that happened this week:

I’m obsessed with Schitt’s Creek (I’m still crying thinking about last week’s episode) and very upset that the sixth season will be its last, but I’m devouring everything I can about the show and its creators/actors, including this recent Esquire interview with Dan Levy.

The New York Times profiled ham (I want an oil painting of that lead photograph for my apartment).

This story about a 3-year-old who witnessed his father murder his mother sounds straight out of a movie but it’s real life.

Things to do in New York this week:

Cherry blossom season is one of my favorites (I wrote about the D.C. cherry blossoms for Roadtrippers recently) but I always forget that Roosevelt Island has a great crop of cherry trees. The Four Freedoms Park festival is this Saturday—don’t forget you can take a tram!

Saturday is Record Store Day—my favorite place to shop for records in the city is Human Head in Bushwick.

One of the Staten Island cemeteries that I tried to visit recently is opening on Sunday for a few hours—you can come help clean up or just visit the infrequently-opened historic grounds.

Things that I’ve discovered recently:

I’ve been playing Jenny Lewis’s new album On the Line on repeat recently, in addition to this ‘90s acoustic playlist because I still know every single word to every song that was on the radio in the ‘90s.

How to be happier at work.

I finally decided to get one of these, and although it makes my toilet look like its belongs in a nursing home, the science behind it is pretty, ahem, solid.

Hi! It’s been quiet over here on the old blerg for the past few months while I settle in to my new (dream) job at Roadtrippers—you can see what I’ve been up to over there on the magazine and follow along on Instagram, if you’d like. A lot of what I used to post about on here will end up over on Roadtrippers in some form, but I plan on still popping back in here when I can to write about things that don’t quite fit on RT.

I’m headed back to Cincinnati in a few weeks for work and I’ll head north for a few days to visit my family but I have a few fun stops planned in between (of course). I was obsessed with Grace & Frankie for a few weeks but I finished season 5 and 2020 and season 6 seems so far away—what else should I start watching? I just finished this book and loved it—I’m about halfway through this one and I feel as if it hasn’t really lived up to the hype, unfortunately. Have a great weekend!

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