Happy Friday!
Illustration by Lindsey Frances
Things that happened recently:
We never got our promised snow storm last week here in the city, but in western New York Niagra Falls is an icy winter wonderland (I wonder how the Twist O’ The Mist is doing?)
Season five of Schitt’s Creek started last week and Catherine O’Hara continues to prove that she is a national treasure.
Every day I am more and more OVER white men, but Nick Sandmann is the worst combination of my two least favorite things: white men and teens.
Things to do in New York this week:
The Implicit Tensions: Mapplethorpe Now photography exhibit opens today at the Guggenheim (and Saturdays are pay-what-you-wish from 5-8pm).
We have had a pitiful amount of snow this season, but this Saturday from 11am-3pm you can see the man-made stuff at the annual Winter Jam in Central Park.
There are still a few tickets left for this special screening of one of the best movies ever made, Matilda, at the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn on Tuesday night.
Things that I’ve discovered recently:
Kaylah (of The Dainty Squid) recently started making her adorable pouches again and they’re all so great it’s hard to pick a favorite. I use one of her tiny pouches as a makeup bag every day and it’s held up really well but I already want another one.
My dad is a super talented musician and songwriter—but don’t take my (biased) word for it and go hear his latest songs on his Youtube channel or better yet, buy his CD (I designed the cover!).
Sometimes I get grumpy and think that design doesn’t matter but this bike company ingeniously changed their box design and decreased their shipping damages by 80%!
On Sunday I’m going to Governors Island on a special off-season trip with a new Instagram friend and I’m super excited to poke around the island while it’s closed to the public. Last weekend I went to Staten Island to find a neglected Merchant Marine Cemetery and not only did I find it, but various veterans’ groups found my post and have vowed to clean up and care for the historic space. My love for abandoned places runs deep but I’m so happy that this burial ground is finally getting the attention it deserves and that my strange habit of traipsing through cemeteries may have finally had a small, positive impact on the world (file both under: good things that can come from strangers the Internet). I’ve been plowing through my overwhelming stack of library books and I finished this book and started this one this week (both excellent). I very rarely cook, but I made chili last weekend and it was so good I might make another batch again soon. Have a great weekend!