Happy Friday!
"All The People of New York City" illustration by Lindsey Frances
Things that happened recently:
Our country is still in the toilet, this weather is trash and Ohio continues to be a constant disappointment—but in happier news, these women are giving me hope.
I am so very here for Michael Cohen—not a criminal lawyer, but a criminal lawyer—flipping on Trump, and I'm still holding out hope that Trump's ultimate downfall is all due to American Hero Stormy Daniels.
This is a really fascinating look at the rise and fall of public housing in New York.
Things to do in New York this week:
My former roommate hosts a monthly poetry reading in Brooklyn and it's always wonderful. I remember when she first mentioned it and I was so resistant because I'm a stubborn idiot, but once I finally got over that, I realized that poetry readings aren't as boring or strange as I had originally thought (life lesson: don't be a judgmental turd like me and try new things!). I don't go as much as I should, but I'm excited to go again tonight like old times.
The brand-new Sharks! pavilion, filled with hundreds of sharks, is finally open at the New York Aquarium in Coney Island.
If you're not sick of fireworks by now, Coney Island has a show tonight, and there's no better place to watch fireworks, IMHO, than the boardwalk.
Things I've discovered recently:
I wish I had space to try something like this—built-in bookcases to house my out-of-control book collection is a lifelong dream of mine.
Here's a fascinating look at what happened to Natalie Jean, aka Nat the Fat Rat, who was once on top of the Mormon mommy blogger world (a world with which I am very, very obsessed).
I've mentioned before that I was trying to get a skincare ritual that worked for me, and I think I might have finally found one—every night before bed I wash my face, do a swipe of witch hazel and finish with this moisturizer, and it seems to be working. In the morning I just rinse my face in the shower and apply this sunscreen. I'm still far from being an expert, but consistency seems to be the most important element.
My friend Jim is in town this weekend from California and I'm so excited to have my New York adventure buddy back, if only for a brief time (until I can convince him to move back for good, that is). We'll be going to the poetry reading tonight back in our old Brooklyn 'hood and I really want to take him back in time to Sam's in Carroll Gardens (I've been craving their giant meatballs for months!). Tomorrow we're headed to Coney Island and I'm trying to figure out how to cram as many diner breakfasts into a few short days as possible. The summer always goes by so fast after July 4th, and I'm trying to enjoy it (despite this crushing heat). Have a great weekend!
A few shameless promotions:
Society 6 is currently having a huge sale, and you can get 40% off of everything (like ... my prints maybe, or Lindsey's illustrations?) with the code HAPPY4TH
If you download the Sweetgreen app, you'll get a $3 credit (and so will I, which is like one piece of lettuce but help a girl out)
If you still haven't bought the world's best no-show socks, you can get 25% off with this link (and I'll get free socks, which I most definitely would be happy about)