Happy Friday!
Illustration by Lindsey Frances \\ Buy prints here
Things that happened recently:
Every week I think the news can't get worse, and then ... it does. On that note, fuck the calls for civility, and FUCK TRUMP: "Don’t behave in a way that will make them turn away from you with sadness. Don’t tell them you stood by silently while atrocities occurred. For God’s sake, don’t say that you happily served these people food with a smile on your face. Be able to say that you said something. Even if it wasn’t especially eloquent. Even if it was just, 'Fuck Trump.'"
In happier news, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the hero we need right now. Here's why she won her primary on Tuesday—if you don't tear up while watching that, or think that these campaign points are bad things, I don't know how to help you.
Another Spanish work of art has been "ruined" by a overzealous restoration (still not as bad/good as this one, though).
Things to do in New York this week:
The Broadway Restaurant on the UWS reopened on Wednesday—they had been closed since New Year's Day after a devastating fire. My mom and I were regulars and never found a replacement when it closed (we last ate there the day before the fire). I'm so happy that we didn't lose yet another classic diner forever.
Despite the National Moron signing an Executive Order to halt the horrendous policy that his administration started in the first place, the immigration crisis in this country is far from over—there are protest marches in every state this weekend, including one in New York on Saturday.
Speaking of loss, after 116 years in business, the family-owned UES bakery, Glaser's, is closing for good at 3pm on Sunday (or whenever they sell out of treats, so get there early if you want one last black and white cookie).
Things I've discovered recently:
Have you ever wondered why all thrift stores (and the clothes in them) smell the same? Yes, the reason is as gross as you think.
This is a great profile of plus-size model Tess Holliday, written by one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram, Ashley C. Ford.
I've been trying to cut down on buying useless crap recently, but I couldn't resist buying the cutest photo album for my Instax prints and this very necessary jackalope (I named her Waffles). While searching for taxidermy, I came across this very reasonably-priced Etsy store full of beautiful specimens—I wish I would have known about this shop when I was in the market for a bat (maybe I need another one?).
I have no plans this weekend, but it's supposed to be oppressively hot for the foreseeable future (ugh). Sitting in an air-conditioned theater with a huge popcorn and Jurassic World sounds very appealing to me (I saw Won't You Be My Neighbor last week, and it's so good—bring tissues!). I have some pretty exciting July 4th plans—and I only work one and a half days next week—so this weekend seems like the calm before the (exciting) storm. On thing for sure is that my mom and I will be grabbing breakfast at the newly-reopened Broadway Restaurant and thanking the diner gods for not taking it from us permanently. Have a great weekend!