Project 365: Days 183-189

Project 365: Days 183-189

183/365: This diva has been sleep-torturing me (pretty much always, but sometimes it gets worse?) and I'm still collecting advice if you have any ideas on how to keep her from screaming at me all night long.

184/365: I celebrated my four year New York-iversary at the House of Wax, a bar that was tailor-made for me and filled with hundreds of anatomical, pathological & ethnographic waxworks. I saw some of these at the Morbid Anatomy Museum (RIP) but I'll never get tired of how cool they are.

185/365: We spent a lazy Sunday lounging and snacking in Prospect Park.

186/365: I'll miss these sunsets when I move.

187/365: We spent our day off lounging and snacking on the beach in front of this abandoned hospital that I want so badly to creep on.

188/365: I'm hopeful that this will help Mozart chill out and not scream throughout the night and into the morning. Results from the first night were inconclusive, but I've read that it may take a while to work fully (fingers crossed).

189/365: My apologies for this terribly boring photo, but I went for a run after work, which I haven't done in a month. I don't want to talk about running all the time and be one of those people but I stopped to let a minor injury heal, because I was sick and felt like I needed time to recover from our recent trip. I will never been good at running but that's ok—it's something I need to do only for myself and I deserve to celebrate the times I do make it, and not punish myself for the times that I don't. 

I've got a lot of packing to do before I move which is daunting, I have to take a ton of stuff to Goodwill and I'd like to fit in a stoop sale (my first!) sometime soon. But other than that, I don't have any concrete plans for the weekend—I am hoping there's some mac n' cheese to be eaten at some point. Have a great weekend!



NYBG: Roses

NYBG: Roses