365 Project: Days 162-168

365 Project: Days 162-168

162/365: Cupcakes from co-workers for breakfast and a friend lunch at Beer Cheese.

163/365: JMP and I met for diner breakfast + explored a wonderful cemetery // It was a perfect night for Celebrate Brooklyn, where we saw Lucius and ate some incredible food.

164/365: We spent a lazy Sunday exploring Governors Island, peeking into abandoned buildings, lounging on the lawn and eating Mister Softee.

165/365: My favorite thing to come home to: a package containing new shoes (that fit perfectly and that I love dearly already—look at those pinstripes!).

166/365: I met Jim and Katie for dinner at John's pizza and walked by this sign that I've been admiring and coveting—that stained glass!

167/365: This Queen.

168/365: We went to see Jurassic World (in imax + 3D), which I absolutely loved. It made me want to add a dinosaur bone to my bone collection and buy an "original" Jurassic Park t-shirt.

Cypress Hill Cemetery

Cypress Hill Cemetery

Outdoor Art

Outdoor Art