365 Project: Days 107-113

365 Project: Days 107-113

107/365: We took a leisurely stroll across the park as the sun was setting and it was pretty much perfect.

108/365:  We enjoyed the most beautiful Saturday with brunch at a great diner and walked and lounged in the sun in Prospect Park—with every single other person in Brooklyn.

109/365: I made it to the NYBG on the last day of the always-spectacular Orchid Show and caught some early cherry blossoms as a bonus.

110/365: I'm almost finished with Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory—Plum Island is right off the North Fork of Long Island—and it's such a good book I'm sad that it's coming to an end. Good thing I have a never-ending list of contenders for my next book (I also recently finished the New York Grimpendium—so good!).

111/365: The trees in my neighborhood suddenly burst into bloom and every street is a dream.

112/365: Jim and I checked another place off our list and met for dinner at Bamonte's, an Italian restaurant that has been in Williamsburg since 1900. It was delicious and we felt like we had wandered into a Godfather movie.

113/365: My hair is longer than it's been in years so I've been putting it in absurd little pony and pigtails // When I mentioned to Francesca that we had found a bone in Dinosaur Valley Park, she replied "But where will you put it—isn't your bone jar full?" I love that my friends know me well enough to casually reference my bone jar and I also love that in less than a year I've managed to collect enough bones—from Dead Horse Bay and East Hampton—to fill it.

Scarborough Renaissance Festival: Part Two

Scarborough Renaissance Festival: Part Two

Scarborough Renaissance Festival: Part One

Scarborough Renaissance Festival: Part One