Gallery Wall

Gallery Wall

I mentioned last week that September was kind of rough, but things have definitely made a turn for the better. I'm feeling much more settled, and much less emotionally on edge — a big part of which I feel like I owe to that fact that I'm finally surrounded by my art. When I moved to New York, I couldn't take much with me, but keeping my art was always non-negotiable. I am a visual person by nature, and trade, and blank walls make me anxious.

After I finally unpacked everything, I hung a few pieces in the living room, and whatever I had left ended up in my bedroom. I've never really hung a "gallery wall" before, although I see them pretty much everywhere. I love the idea of an eclectic collection of pieces that speak to a variety of interests and tastes, and I had one large, blank wall in my bedroom that I knew would be a perfect exhibition space. I didn't start with a plan beyond "use everything with a wall hanger," but I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I started by hanging my American Gentleman print, and just sort of worked my way out from there. It's not perfect, but it's fun and a little weird, and I think it represents me perfectly.

Starting at the far left I have: (1) my beloved bunnies painting from Erin Mulligan, (2) two gorgeous Meryl prints (one is signed!), (3) a seasonal collection of paint-by-numbers collected from a thrift store, (4) the American Gentleman, (5) another thrift store find featuring the George Washington Bridge, (6) bad cat, (7) deli cat, (8) vintage stone, sequin, string and glitter cat wall art, (9) city snowglobe prints and (10) a cat that looks suspiciously like Mozart from my friend Rachael. It makes me so happy to just lay in bed and stare at all of my art, and I feel like most of my favorite things are well-represented. Furniture and clothes can be easily replaced, but it's nice to know that my modest collection of artwork will be with me, no matter where it is that I call home.

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Randall's Island

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