Free: Yoga

Free: Yoga

So I guess I'm a yoga person now? I've been wanting to try yoga basically my whole life (is that how long it's been, like, a thing?) but I didn't take my first official class until last Wednesday. I am the least flexible, coordinated and athletic person you will ever meet, so I was understandably hesitant. But it's also because of those things that I always felt that yoga might actually be the perfect thing for me, and even after only three classes I can say that I think it is.

Starting something like yoga can be intimidating (and expensive, and confusing etc.) —this post is actually really good at explaining why, and then encouraging you to just do it even if you're scared. I'm so glad I finally just went for it, and now of course I'm wondering what exactly took me so long. But better late than never, right? Yoga is the exact combination of things I need in my life right now: it's relaxing, challenging but not impossible and free! That last one is the biggest reason I tried it, actually, because I wasn't really ready to hand over a bunch of money to a gym or studio without knowing if I even liked yoga first. 

Luckily, it's summer in New York and I've already found two great parks offering yoga for free: every Wednesday in Riverside Park South from 6:30 - 7:30pm, and every Saturday (9:30 - 10:30am + 11am - noon) and Sunday (10 - 11am) in Socrates Sculpture Park in Queens. Both sessions run until the end of September, and began in May. I'm sad I am just now getting into it, but grateful that I have more than a month of classes to go.

I've gone to both, and enjoyed them equally. They're both in wonderful parks, right by the water, with excellent views and a great breeze. Both teachers have been really helpful and kind, and while the routines were different (I liked the variety), they seemed to be the same level of intensity.

I feel so amazing after doing yoga, which is a huge change from the tight muscles, hunchback, and general feeling of awfulness that I've grown accustomed to. Sitting at a computer all day wreaks havoc on my neck and back, but stretching and increasing my flexibility will definitely help. If you've been on the fence, I urge you to just go! Do yoga! Don't worry about how you look, or about not being able to do some of the poses — no one is judging you and it's totally ok to go at your own pace. I'm wobbly and probably won't be able to touch my toes for a very long time (if ever) but I haven't felt embarrassed for one second.

Also don't worry about going alone — my first time I went with my friend Alisha and while it was nice to have company, you don't talk or interact during the session so it's perfectly cool to go alone. I'm already thinking about finding a studio for the winter, but I'll definitely be taking advantage of the free sessions as long as I can. I think I'm already spoiled by taking classes in such beautiful settings — no indoor space could possibly compare. I'm also already thinking of buying a new mat because the only one Target had left that wasn't insanely expensive was bright fuschia and I kind of hate it. Anyone know where I can get a gray (Mozart-colored!) one? Anyone in the market for a thrice-used pink one? I  know a guy.

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