I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile

I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile

Hello! If you're reading this, you may have noticed that the blog has undergone some changes since the last time I posted about the closing of Blue Carrot Shop. My twitter name was the first to change, and since I've renamed my Instagram, Pinterest and this blog. While the Blue Carrot

 site is still up, I've put the shop on an indefinite hiatus — it may return in some shape or form someday, but I've sold all of my inventory in an effort to finance my next adventure.

In case you haven't guessed it already, I'm moving to New York City!

If you know me in person (or even just through this blog), this may seem like the most anti-climactic announcement ever, but I'm still pretty excited about it. I first came to New York when I was 14, and sent my sister a postcard saying "I want to move here ASAP." Well, 'as-soon-as-possible' turned out to be now — nearly 14 years later.

It's time.

To say I'm ready to be an official resident of the city I've loved for so long is an understatement of epic proportions. Even though I've still got a ton of things to figure out, I am planning to be back in the city at the beginning of July. I'm still looking for a job (anything remotely graphic designer-related) and an apartment, so if you hear of anything or have an amazing job that you just need get off your hands, let me know.

In the meantime, I will be recapping a few of my recent city adventures — my mom and I went for a week recently to scope out apartments and in between we managed to see some new things (Governors Island, The Little Red Lighthouse), as well as a few favorites (the Strand, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Coney Island).

I hope you have fun following along on all of my upcoming city adventures. Simon and Garfunkel said it best in one of my favorite songs, The Only Living Boy in New York:

I've got nothing to do today but smile.

Coney Island

Coney Island

Saying Goodbye, For Now

Saying Goodbye, For Now