Greenwich Letterpress + Subway Etiquette

Greenwich Letterpress + Subway Etiquette

I have the most amazing family and friends, and every so often I think I should let them know just how awesome they actually are. I love getting mail and I assume everyone else does too, so I decided to send thank you cards to the people that have been most instrumental in getting me to New York. On Tuesday night I went to check out the card selection at Greenwich Letterpress and although the shop is teeny tiny, it's packed with tons of amazingly cute letterpressed cards and other goodies. I wanted to buy nearly everything I saw, but I eventually narrowed down my selection to a reasonable few.

Their New York City-themed cards are particularly charming, and I'll definitely be back to buy more. They also have a great Valentine's selection right now if you're into that, and they're not far from John's Pizza and Magnolia Bakery if you want to make a night of it.

I opted to eat at the Washington Square Diner, which was totally cute and a great choice for my first solo New York dining experience. I ate my mushroom and feta omelette in the company of the one-and-only Julia Child, via the biography Dearie and felt like a real-life New Yorker. It's an enormous book and I have a hardcover copy which makes for some pretty awkward subway reading (I actually hit myself in the face taking it out of my bag one day), but I've already seen much, much worse on the train.

Like what, you ask?? Well, I know I've only been here two weeks, but I already have some pretty strong opinions if you want to hear them (um, stop reading if you don't?).

  • Don't eat on the train — seriously, you can't ride two stops without breaking out your stir fry? At least all I do is complain about it in a blog post that no one is going to read — this woman actually got into a fight over eating spaghetti (story brought to my attention by my friend Trent, who also abhors subway eaters). The video is not available, but I can most definitely identify with the sentiment, "What kind of animals eat on the train?" Exceptions: coffee or non-offensive candy.
  • Don't make out on the train — I've seen this happen a disturbing amount of times in the last two weeks. You're not as hot as you think you are, you're gross. 
  • Don't opt for (very) public transportation if you don't know how to bathe yourself — this is obviously always going to be a problem, but I have had to change cars no less than three times this week alone because of my unfortunate proximity to overwhelming body odor. No. Thanks.

So this post started out being about Greenwich Letterpress and their super cute greeting cards and ended up being a rant against the hungry, sex-starved, smellies of the world. Welcome to my brain — and please leave your stir fry at the door.

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